Welcome to the Gorgeous Legs Challenge

FasciaBlasting for Smooth Legs
Use on Bare Skin, with Oil, Light and Brisk
We have had many tools launched since I filmed these original tutorials, but the process is still the same, and these videos are very thorough. I recommend you watch them all the way through once and then do them with me once before taking on “solo blasting.” These tutorials are a great refresher even if you’re a seasoned Blaster. Drop your feedback in the group. I’d love to hear from you about what small claw, big claw, or nugget tool you used. I’d love to hear how it felt, if and where you bruised, and what you found “digging for buried treasure.”
The Leg Toning Exercises
Make Sure to go to a “burn” in Every Set
There are hundreds of exercises you can do for your legs. But for this challenge, I want to focus on building muscle, filling out the skin, and creating gorgeous definition. We will focus on the large muscle groups of the quadriceps, short adductors, long adductors, hamstrings, and calves. You can always add the exercises from The Heart Butt Challenge to lift the booty off the legs, but for this challenge, we are going to focus on the legs.
These videos are tutorials, so just like FasciaBlasting, I recommend you watch them once, pay attention to the details, and then try them with me at least once. Remember that with every set, in order to attain hypertrophy training to grow the muscles, you will need to go to the burn or full fatigue, just shy of “failure.” If you are doing more than 20 reps and not burning, I will be posting ways to make the exercises more challenging in the group. Even the most seasoned exerciser usually can attain a burn with body exercises, IF…. they focus on the exact form and biomechanical firing pattern I explain in each video. Drop your feedback in the group; I’d love to hear from you, and how these exercises felt and how I can assist you further.
Putting it Together
We are combining it all this time
I got inspired early in my career when I was working with a lot of professional athletes. I was in an MLB training room with one of my athletes, but I was watching Barry Bonds, one of the greats of his time. He would lift weights, and then his trainer would massage him in between sets. The light bulb went off for me… what an excellent way to train. You’re instantly moving out the lactic acid, allowing even more effective training. So, we will combine the FasciaBlasting as part of the exercises.
**** Note: DO NOT combine FasciaYoga into your sets. Do your stretching afterward. The FasciaYoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system as the exercise, so save it for last. Like a cool down and a calming integration, if you will.
In this video, I show how to combine FasciaBlasting and the exercises in reps and sets. I will be doing some live feeds in the group so we can exercise and blast together. I look forward to your feedback.
How often, how long
We are keeping it simple
So, for this challenge, we are going to do the combined FasciaBlasting and exercises 3-5 times a week, alternating the muscle groups. Always use the 3rd day for rest.
Day 1:
We are going to be doing Quadriceps and the Hamstrings

Day 2:
We're going to be doing the Short Adductors, the Long Adductors, The Abductors, and the Calves

Achieving Stretch and Range of Motion in Muscle Plasticity
Firstly, I am a “real yogi,” meaning that I have spent a lifetime studying Indian Mysticism and practicing the physical postures of yoga. FasciaYoga, by no means, is any form of ancient yoga. I named my fascia stretch program FasciaYoga because I wanted something that was instantly relatable to the Western world. I also feel that yoga, which really means unification, is applicable to my program because the goal is to unify the mind, body, and spirit through opening energy channels. I believe Fascia Yoga does just that.
OK, moving on. I included FasciaYoga in The Gorgeous Legs Challenge because long muscle look, well, gorgeous. When we FasciaBlast and set off cell proliferation, adding a fascial stretch or shearing can help the process along. Also, the exercises I included in the challenge shorten to muscle for maximum contraction and growth, so the FasciaYoga is a great compliment to counterbalance that shortening.

Remember that fascia surrounds every muscle fiber, so when we are stretching the fascia in this way, we stretch this fascia and the muscle to give us a lean and toned look. Our muscles will be supple and function better.
FasciaYoga was designed to simulate professional FST or Fascial Stretch Therapy and is based on the work of Chris and Anne Frederick. I took their first class almost 20 years ago. The idea is to traction the joint and the fascia. Using my FasciaYoga Ball, this can be accomplished. The fascia is “dragged” by the ball, and the orientation of gravity allows the joints to open while stretching. You will feel a difference in this type of stretching from anything else you’ve ever done… and it’s quite magical. Drop your feedback in the group: I’d love to hear how these stretches felt and if you see immediate changes. Follow along with the videos below to learn FasciaYoga
The Extras: Sauna, FasciaYoga,
and Flushing
In Part 1 of the Gorgeous Legs Challenge Blog, I explained all the benefits of incorporating the extras. So now we just have to talk about how to fit them into the program. You have some options
How to incorporate the sauna:

You can add this to your training day. You can incorporate the sauna for your blasting. I have an outdoor sauna, so this is how I will do it. I will first pre-heat for a few minutes until I start to sweat. I will do one set of exercises just outside of the sauna, then step into the sauna and blast. Then, I will exercise again and step back in to blast- alternating in and out. When I am done with my whole program, I may lay in the sauna and detox my tissues, being sure to shower with organic soap afterward.
How to Incorporate FasciaYoga:

The best way is at the end of your FasciaBlasting and exercise session to stretch the muscle groups that you worked. Make sure FasciaYoga is the last activity before calming down because you will be in a more “rest and digest” nervous system.
How to incorporate Flushing:

Flushing can either be done after FasciaBlasting each set or at the end of the session. I like to incorporate them into the session, so it would look like this: Exercise, Blast, Flush… repeat. You can also choose to do your FasciaBlasitng and exercise, and then flush and stretch at the end.
How to add the extras to your off day:
Doing FasciaYoga, Flushing, and doing the Sauna on an off day sounds like an awesome self-care day to me. In fact, combine all 3. Get in the sauna, flush with your hands or the flusher tools, and stretch while your body is hot and receptive. An awesome way to recover and advance your mission for gorgeous legs. I like to take the time when I’m flushing or stretching to have positive self-talk. Thank my legs for getting me through this life and supporting me while surfing. Say it in your mind or out loud… “Thank you, gorgeous legs, I love you, open up and flow. Thank you”. This is powerful stuff, XO!
Day 3:
Rest, or active rest by doing the “extras”
Don’t worry, this is easy. Simply grab your ball, oil, blasters, towel, and water, and just go. Make sure you wear a bathing suit or shorts to blast on bare skin. Simply take the knowledge you’ve learned from watching the videos and alternate between the exercise and FasciaBlasting. You can do between 1 and 6 sets of exercise, depending on your starting level of fitness. I will personally do 3 sets and work my way up to more during the challenge. If you have any questions, feel free to DM any of our social media and participate in the group for daily feedback and interaction. Ready, Set… GORGEOUS LEGS!
And that’s a wrap!

In conclusion, beautiful souls, remember that the journey to stunning legs is not just about aesthetics; it's about self-love. As you embark on your exercise routine, or grab your FasciaBlaster and devote time to self-care, let every movement be a testament to your commitment to yourself.
Cherish your body, not because it fits societal ideals, but because it carries you through life's adventures, and allows you to dance in moments of joy. Embrace the journey, knowing that every step, every stretch, every blast is a declaration of self-love. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and honor your body's resilience and power.
So, let's embark on this journey together. Let's move, let's blast, and let's love ourselves fiercely because when we do, we radiate beauty from the inside out. Here's to legs that not only look amazing but feel incredible too! You've got this!

Cited Works
* The Fasciablaster tools have not been cleared by the FDA for the treatment of any disease
Ashley Black, Inventor Of The Fasciablaster

Ashley Black is a decorated inventor, thought leader, and entrepreneur. She is best known for her work in the field of Fasciology. Fasciology is the study of the system of the body called fascia. Fascia is publicly known as the connective tissue, or web, that holds our body together, but fascia is also the viscous system that surrounds and feeds every cell in our bodies. Her work is directly related to the regeneration of this system of the body and the astounding effects this process can have on beauty, sports performance, and medical conditions.
She is best known for inventing instrument-assisted fascia techniques and tools, commercially known as FasciaBlasters. The tools entered the marketplace in 2014 and have become a household product. Black was the first person to write a #1 National Best Selling book about fascia, and she was the first person to do a TED Talk on fascia. By 2017-2018, her innovations and perseverance were rewarded with the American Business Association Stevie Award for Entrepreneur of the Year. IAOPT also awarded her with the Inventor of the Year. She also hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies in America for the first time. This era was wrapped up with Ashley's self-reported highest accomplishment to date: the peer-reviewed Medical Publication of Research proving that FasciaBlasters can regenerate fascia tissue.
Since then, Ashley has received several awards, beginning with a second #1 National Best Selling Book about the struggles of females in business and authenticity in branding. She also received two global Stevie Awards from the International Business Association: Woman of the Year and a Lifetime Achievement Award for Consumer Goods.
In 2022, Ashley founded The Fascia Advancement Academy and the Fascia Advancement Charity to teach bodyworkers Fasciology. She has hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies list for a second time, with over $150MM in revenue, profitable and growing. She boasts over 9 million social media followers and over 1 trillion unique media impressions for her work.